Martha Wilson
Tit for tat and tat for tit
Politics is made of this
You give me this, I'll give you that
And we'll both smile
Publicity's our strategy
And due to public memory
Which lapses so conveniently
In a few years...
We can raise a family
No scandal's bad enough to flee
The United States is still all milk and honey
Swelled Head, 2019. Compositing Artist: Bill Westmoreland. Pigment print 20 x 24 inches
Thump, 2016. Photographer and Compositing Artist: Kathy Grove. Pigment print 38 x 32 inches
I’m Going to Die, 2014. Photographer and Makeup Artist: Bill Westmoreland. Pigment print, framed 42 x 24 inches
Stand Fast, 2019. Compositing Artist: Bill Westmoreland. Pigment print 20 x 24 inches.
Martha Wilson
All images courtesy the artist and P. P. O. W.