Chen Tianzhuo
How do you think about art at a time like this?
I was in Berlin for a week in January just since the virus started in China and everyone said stay in Berlin longer but I came back to China on the 3rd of February. I was supposed to have the Trance performance in Hamburg and also in Tazmania and another smaller performance in April in Berlin. Everything this year is all cancelled and my mailbox has never been so quiet. Also I like to party and my music label, Asian Dope Boys perform at parties, but basically the clubs are not open so I am feeling retired now.
I was pretty anxious in the normal time before this one, but this one actually makes me feel backed into some kind of peace. I started thinking that what I do is not that important and I am actually thinking what art can do for the situation. Like, what I am doing in compared to other people is not so important and what I am doing is actually so tiny. It made me feel at peace. Normally I am so ambitious and uncertain about my work and all I think about is emails and the next performance. But right now, I’ve ever been so at peace.
Trance, 12 hour performance, 2019-20, still
Trance, 12 hour performance, 2019-20, still
Trance, 12 hour performance, 2019-20, still
Trance, 12 hour performance, 2019-20, still
Trance, 12 hour performance, 2019-20, still
Chen Tianzhuo
All images courtesy the artist and BANK