Runo Lagomarsino
The virus alone does not discriminate, but we humans surely do, formed and animated as we are by the interlocking powers of nationalism, racism, xenophobia, and capitalism. It seems likely that we will come to see in the next year a painful scenario in which some human creatures assert their rights to live at the expense of others, re-inscribing the spurious distinction between grievable and ungrievable lives, that is, those who should be protected against death at all costs and those whose lives are considered not worth safeguarding against illness and death.
From “Capitalism Has its Limits” by Judith Butler
Are we the people we are waiting for?, 2012
Billboard, variable size, using a reproduction of Jean-Léon Gérôme's painting Bonaparte Before the Sphinx (1868), Malmö, Nicosia and Lissabon
Photocredits: Bruno Lopes and Malmö Konsthall
Are we the people we are waiting for?, 2012
Billboard, variable size, using a reproduction of Jean-Léon Gérôme's painting Bonaparte Before the Sphinx (1868), Malmö, Nicosia and Lissabon
Photocredits: Bruno Lopes and Malmö Konsthall
Como Si Fuera Piedra la Arena / As if the stones were sand, 2015. HD Video, 5 min
Every day people follow signs pointing to some place which is not their home, 2018
Performance project on the E line from Copenhagen Central Station to Køge and KØS Museum of Art in Public Spaces
Photo credit: Mads Holm
For the Ghosts and the Raving Poets, 2013
Cable, lightbulb and candle, Variable dimensions
Photo credit: B.Mauras /La Criée
Installtion view: They Watched Us For a Very Long Time, La Criée Centre for Contemporary Art, Rennes
More delicate than the historians are the map-makers colors, 2012 – 2013, HD video, colour, sound, 6’ 18’’