Travis Somerville
How can we think of art at a time like this? We can think of art as a reflection of the past, the present and the future. It can challenge, provoke, delight, console and feed the soul. As an artist I express my reactions and responses to what is going on in the world (my world and the world at large), with honesty and enthusiasm. This can be the eve of fundamental reform. Art is necessary , especially now.
Family X Ray, 2019
Acrylic and Collage on unstretched found painters tarp 82” x 52”
Invasion, 2017
Graphite, Charcoal on Feed Sack with Soviet Issue Gas Mask and Case 44” x 38”
The Mexican Wall Dance, 2019
Acrylic on cardboard w Marionette and Bricks, 72” x 38”
Board of Education, 2019
graphite on sail cloth, model boat, vintage children's school desk, metal shackle, chain, bowling ball, approx. 63" x 72" x 38"
My Ol’ Kentucky Home, 2020
Acrylic and Collage on stretched found painters tarp 54” x 43”
The Fall (TKO), 2020
Acrylic and Collage on stretched found painters tarp, 89” x 62”
Travis Somerville
All images courtesy of the artist.