Lynn Hershman Leeson
“Evaporation is the primary pathway through which water travels. Its cycle travels disguised from liquid to atmospheric vapor. Transience is its solid state. Water is a process, like life. Both embrace the gravity of survival by simmering time into a perpetual and recyclable essence. How do we twist them into a sustainable method of survival that defies continual threats of a devastating encroaching reality?
Through optimistic and spirited inventions and belief in collective, inspired futures. How can we think or Art at a time like this? How can we not.”
Quote from an upcoming catalogue entry from the exhibition Lynn Hershman Leeson Twisted, which opens at the New Museum June 2020.
Seduction of a Cyborg, 1996. Video
Lynn Hershman Leeson
Images courtesy Lynn Hershman Leeson, Bridget Donahue Gallery NYC and Anglim Gilbert Gallery SF