Carlos Motta
"I met Andrés Cruz Vázques, a market vendor, who answered my questions about democracy. He told me that for there to be democracy, there has to be love; for there to be democracy, there has to be affect; for there to be democracy, you have to have the intention to take care of people—it was a sort of revelation that changed my work forever. For the first time in my short life, I realized that, for me, the most important aspect of the political field had to do with emotions and thus, with the way politics was manifested in people’s hearts and minds. I understood that my role as a political artist would be to investigate the intersections between the formation of individual and collective subjectivities and that my own experience of sexual difference would become the engine driving my work."
from “Carlos Motta: History’s Back Rooms”, Skira, original publication date April 2020
Self-Portrait with Death # 1, 1996/2018 archival inkjet print 30 x 45 inches
Self-Portrait with Death # 4, 1996/2018 archival inkjet print 30 x 45 inches
Self-Portrait with Death # 5, 1996/2018 archival inkjet print 30 x 45 inches
Untitled Self-Portrait, 2019 archival inkjet print 45 x 30 inches
Self-Portrait with Death, 2019 archival inkjet print 30 x 45 inches