Annabel Daou
Throughout 2019 and early 2020, the streets of cities across the world were flooded with protests, as people reached similar breaking points and began coming together to demand justice. Now, just two months later, there is no one in the streets. Questions of where we belong and what we are allowed or allow ourselves to do, take on very different meanings. As some forms of collective action become impossible, new modes of solidarity emerge.
WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS, DECLARATION, and RESOLUTION deal with the pivotal moment when we are moved to act. citizen is a mental/physical mapping of all the sovereign countries in the world. Made at the very end of 2019/beginning of 2020, these works were generated out of a sense of connection and solidarity across boundaries and time.
A slideshow of images from WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS with audio from the sound piece, DECLARATION
Ink and correction fluid on microfiber paper 235” x 39”
In collaboration with Miriam Schickler Sound
24:40 min.
citizen, 2019-20, ink and repair tape on paper, 90"x74"
citizen (detail #1)
citizen (detail #2)
citizen (detail #3)
Is This Living, 2020
worry beads, 2020 Polymer clay, ink and microfiber cord
RESOLUTION, 2020, Ink on microfiber paper 34” x 22”
I will worry for you (from dusk till dawn), 2020, 12 hour performance, April 3, 6pm until April 4, 6am
I will worry for you (from dusk till dawn) , 2020, is a performance that deals with the new space we inhabit, our own domestic space, which solidarity demands we occupy instead of the streets. I asked people to send me one of their worries and to choose a time over a 12 hour period for me to take on that worry. From 6pm to 6am, I paced the hallway of my Brooklyn apartment with worry beads in my hands. The string of beads in some way represents our connections to each other. As they moved in my hands, slightly tapping each other, they allowed for a sense of touch and connection, and provided an opportunity to reflect on how vital and how fragile those things are in our lives.
I will worry for you (from today until tomorrow), a new iteration of this performance, will take place from April 18 onward, every night from 11:30pm until 12:30am. The performance can be livestreamed on instagram @signssymbols and @the_lobby_nyc. To participate send worries to: iwillworryforyou@gmail.com.
Annabel Daou
All images courtesy of the artist and signs and symbols and Galerie Tanja Wagner. citizen courtesy of the artist and Conduit Gallery.